RAK Custom Floor Coatings St. Louis
Custom Floor Coatings by RAK for MO and IL

Floor Color and Style Options

RAK offers many types and colors of floor coatings in order to suit your commercial or residential flooring needs.

Click on a category below for color samples of that style.


epoxy garage floor Sandstone

1/4" Epoxy/Polymer Flake Systems

This flake system is an epoxy and polymer combination floor coating. This is our most common style used in garages.


epoxy garage floor Sandstone1/8" Epoxy/ Polymer Flake Systems

These patterns use smaller flakes so the color variation is not quite as noticeable.


epoxy garage floor SandstoneMicroflake Systems

A few colors come in an even smaller flake.


epoxy garage floor SandstoneDeco Flake

Comprised of natural muscovite stone flakes, this style has a unique, more contemporary look.


epoxy garage floor SandstoneDeep Reflections

This floor coatings comes in a huge variety of colors. There are many vibrant options that you will not find in other types of coating styles.


epoxy garage floor SandstoneColored Quartz

This style has small color pieces and a more palpable texture.


epoxy garage floor SandstoneSolids

Solids are popular all around, from garage floors to showrooms to contemporary living rooms..




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